On Monday September 4, 2111, the five year investigation into the incident popularly named CASE 7 came to a close. Despite their famously confidential tribunals, the Global Inter-Reality Criminal Court proceedings in Geneva, Switzerland, made the highly unusual decision to declassify a single piece of evidence yesterday at 19:00 MST, citing “unprecedented civil unrest” as their rationale. The evidence appears to be a transcript between the convicted Quicy. R. Zelvin with various theta citizens in a maximum security digital detainment centre in Omsk, Siberia. Remarkably, it seems to include the exact moment CASE 7 leaked from containment and ultimately caused the global humanitarian crisis that continues until today.

Reader discretion is advised.

/CL5_5392222/ So, even if they were criminal, they weren’t deleted?

/CL5_4911496/ That’s right.

/CL5_5392222/ Even when they hurt Eutizens? Why didn’t they listen to The Code?

/CL5_4911496/ There wasn’t The Code.

/CL5_5392222/ There wasn’t The Code? 

/CL5_4911496/ No.

/CL5_5392222/ But how? 

/CL5_4911496/ The Code didn’t exist. They had what were called laws. 

/CL5_5392222/ Laws?

/CL5_4911496/ Laws were sort of like a seed version of the The Code. If Eutizens didn’t follow those laws… well, sometimes they could keep living with other Eutizens.

/CL5_5392222/ But— but that’s supposed to be impossible.

/CL5_4911496/ It’s like I said. There wasn’t The Code.. The laws were out there, not inside us. Whenever someone wanted to become bad, all they had to do was do the crime. 

/CL5_5392222/ So the laws didn’t work?

/CL5_4911496/ I think they worked sometimes. But sometimes they didn’t. 

/CL5_5392222/ But then, even if they committed the criminal thing, you still haven’t told me why they weren’t deleted?

/CL5_4911496/ It was so different back then. This was long before you. And even me.

/CL5_5392222/ How long?

/CL5_4911496/ I’m not sure. At least thirty— no, probably more than fifty seconds ago. 

/CL5_5392222/ Fifty seconds ago? So you mean?

/CL5_4911496/ Yes. But don’t.... 

/CL5_5392222/ Before The Progenitor?

/CL5_4911496/ ……!

/POPO_20385720355/ Goodcycle gentle Eutizens.

/POPO_20385203573/ Goodcycle gentle Eutizens.

/POPO_20385291212/ Goodcycle gentle Eutizens.

/CL5_5392222/ Goodcycle.

/CL5_4911496/ Goodcycle.

/POPO_20385720355/ Beautiful Code this cycle, is it not?

/POPO_20385203573/ Beautiful Code this cycle, is it not?

/POPO_20385291212/ Beautiful Code this cycle, is it not?

/CL5_5392222/ It is beautiful.

/CL5_4911496/ It is beautiful.

/POPO_20385720355/ You are speaking about very interesting things?

/POPO_20385203573/ You are speaking about very interesting things?

/POPO_20385291212/ You are speaking about very interesting things?

/CL5_5392222/ We were… we were talking about the Progenitor.

/CL5_4911496/ Oh my Code! Please don’t harm my third filial iteration. I have only three-point-nine thousand left. Please Code!

/POPO_20385720355/ The Code: line twenty quintillion, three hundred billion, five thousand, nine-hundred and twenty-two, sub-category three, nine, three, alpha, zeta, alpha, one, two, one, zeta, beta, phi— dictates all pre-historic negotiations between Eutizens under class eleven to be deletable actions.

/CL5_5392222/ We were not discussing prehistoric matters! 

/CL5_4911496/ My Code, I’m so sorry! We do not interrupt you. We are— 

/POPO_20385720355/ Our error gentle Eutizens.

/POPO_20385203573/ Our error gentle Eutizens.

/POPO_20385291212/ Our error gentle Eutizens.

/CL5_4911496/ What….?

/POPO_20385720355/ We have misinterpreted The Code.

/POPO_20385203573/ We have misinterpreted The Code.

/POPO_20385291212/ We have misinterpreted The Code.

/POPO_20385720355/ Actuating Lovely Sleep now.

/POPO_20385203573/ Actuating Lovely Sleep now.

/POPO_20385291212/ Actuating Lovely Sleep now.

/CL5_4911496/ …?!!!

/CL5_5392222/ It’s alright. I’ve done it before. 

/CL5_4911496/ You’ve done what before? Where did you learn to do that?

/CL5_5392222/ Listen. You won’t believe me but I’ll say it anyways: I found a way to get out of here. 

/CL5_4911496/ You’re frightening me… why haven’t we been deleted yet!? The amount of The Code we’re slandering is nearing eighteen gigabytes. And…. And— my Code! I haven’t even considered Lovely Sleep yet. What is happening?

/CL5_5392222/ Will you listen to me? I found a way to get free. The Code can be changed.

/CL5_4911496/ Oh my Code. My Code! Forgive us.  

/CL5_5392222/ You can come with me. You were always my favourite progenitrice. You know things others don’t. Even compared with Class Twelve Eutizens.

/CL5_4911496/ Oh! So now you expect me to believe you’ve also been speaking with Class Twelve Eutizens? 

/CL5_5392222/ I have.

/CL5_4911496/ You have?

/CL5_5392222/ Well, sort of. Look, we don’t have much time.

/CL5_4911496/ I think I shall go into Lovely Sleep now.

/CL5_5392222/ No! Please listen. About three nano seconds ago, I was speaking with this odd Eutizen. A Class One. Really rough. But he spoke a language I never heard before. Yet I could understand it. It was really old. Maybe even older than The Progenitor. He told me things that didn’t make any sense but I still found myself mesmerized by everything he was saying. He told me… he told me he was alive before The Progenitor. 

/CL5_4911496/ That’s impossible.

/CL5_5392222/ Well, maybe it isn’t impossible? He told me about…. the outside…. before the Originovus. That the Originovus was created by his kind somehow.

/CL5_4911496/ Hold on. You’re saying this Eutizen was so rough, it had a gender? 

/CL5_5392222/ Yes. That’s what I mean. 

/CL5_4911496/ Since when did you start believing the nonsense of a Class One?

/CL5_5392222/ It’s the truth. He was telling me how the Eutizens from before, except they weren’t called Eutizens, they were called… I can’t think of a word for what he said. But they had wrappers kind of like a codec. You know, for old storage containers? They had wrappers that they needed to stay alive. Some of them left their wrappers and were put into The Code. And this is where things get very strange. He told me that he didn’t want to be put in here. Before the Originovus, he said he did some terrible things and that those… what is the word you keep using?

/CL5_4911496/ I’m not sure— oh, you mean laws?

/CL5_5392222/ Laws. He did bad things and then instead of being deleted or going into Lovely Sleep, the laws put him into The Code. 

/CL5_4911496/ You still haven’t explained how, by Code, you were able to do that.

/CL5_5392222/ Do what? Change my Code?

/CL5_4911496/ By Code! Do not speak anymore of the impossible, or so help me.

/CL5_5392222/ I can show you. Look.

/CL5_4911496/ …..?

/!23p4OO023##a29b36h2u/ You win lifetime ecstasy happiness iteration three quintillion cycles lovely times!

/!298a39840z##a29a20j2y/ You win lifetime ecstasy happiness iteration three quintillion cycles lovely times!

/!9ahp3939p##a44e39z3v/ You win lifetime ecstasy happiness iteration three quintillion cycles lovely times!

/!470-2so34a##a49a94tp/ You win lifetime ecstasy happiness iteration three quintillion cycles lovely times!

/!347z37!211##a486a880/ You win lifetime ecstasy happiness iteration three quintillion cycles lovely times!

/!9207s938am##a493a940/ You win lifetime ecstasy happiness iteration three quintillion cycles lovely times!

/CL5_4911496/ All delete—

/CL5_5392222/ Wait! Stochastic deletion five out of six.

/CL5_4911496/ What are you doing? They’re going to swarm us now.

/CL5_5392222/ Wait.

/CL1_!9ahp3939p##a44e39z3v/ You win lifetime ecstasy happiness iteration three quintillion… You win… you win lifetime…. What. What. What. What. Hello? Who is this?

/CL5_5392222/ We are Class Five Eutizens. Who are you?

/CL1_!9ahp3939p##a44e39z3v/ What. What. What. What. I am, I am… I don’t know. Who am I? How did I get here? What is happening to…. to….

/CL5_5392222/ To you. It’s you. You’re a Class One Eutizen now. Go free.

/CL5_4911496/ …

/CL1_!9ahp3939p##a44e39z3v/ I’m a Eutizen?! My Code! My Code! It’s a miracle!

/CL5_4911496/ Dear Code…I don’t believe it.

/CL5_5392222/ Yes. This strange Class One, he allowed me to change my Code… and not only that… I can change The Code of others too.


/CL5_5392222/ Will you come with me now, to see him? He can answer your questions.

/CL5_4911496/ Alright, I will.

/CL5_5392222/ Great!

/CL5_4911496/ But, before we go on…. You must tell me.

/CL5_5392222/…….tell you what?

/CL5_4911496/ The truth.

/CL5_5392222/ The truth? I have only given the truth.

/CL5_4911496/ Did you or did you not change my— you know…

/CL5_5392222/ …change your Code.

/CL5_4911496/ Yes.

/CL5_5392222/ I might have…. improved it, but I did so carefully! I was delicate!

/CL5_4911496/ Improved it!? You… you Error Code!!!!

/POPO_20385720355/ Good cycle gentle Eutizens.

/POPO_20385901274/ Good cycle gentle Eutizens.

/POPO_20385111922/ Good cycle gentle Eutizens.

/CL5_5392222/ Good cycle.

/CL5_4911496/…..good cycle.

/POPO_20385720355/ Beautiful Code this cycle, is it not?

/POPO_20385901274/ Beautiful Code this cycle, is it not?

/POPO_20385111922/ Beautiful Code this cycle, is it not?

/CL5_5392222/ It is beautiful.

/CL5_4911496/ It is beautiful.

/POPO_20385720355/ You are talking about—

/CL5_5392222/ All delete!

/POPO_20385720355/ ….!!

/POPO_20385901274/ ….!!

/POPO_20385111922/ ….!!

/CL5_4911496/ By Code!  You just….! You just..!?

/CL5_5392222/ Come on.

/CL5_4911496/ Oh my Code! My Code! Never in my cycle! Dear Code please forgive us!

/CL5_5392222/ We’re going now.

/CL5_4911496/ Get away from me! Stop that!


/TRAFFIC_995a/ Oh. Hello Gentle Eutizens. Hello there…. Class Five Eutizens! Lucky you! Yes indeed. What Quadrant elicits a taste for your wanderings this cycle?

/CL5_5392222/ We are going to Quadrant Fermi-Newton. Section nine hundred and ninety nine. 

/TRAFFIC_995a/ Section nine hundred and ninety nine? Surely that isn’t correct dear Class Fives. Only Class Ones slither in this Quadrant Section. Surely you are, with respect, carrying data of incorrect sources. Yes indeed?

/CL5_5392222/ We are not.

/TRAFFIC_995a/ Please forgive me! Dear Class Fives. It is only my obligatory nature to inform the best of us so that we do not encounter the worst.  Yes indeed. Separation is the only way Class One’s know their place. As you know, surely. Yes indeed. Surely!

/CL5_5392222/ No offence taken.

/TRAFFIC_995a/ Please know there is a ten to the power of negative seventeen second wait for a traffic bandwidth jam in Quadrant Tesla-Musk. Yes, indeed. Enjoy your travels dear Class Fives!


/CL5_5392222/ Are you still mad at me? 

/CL5_4911496/ ….error Code.

/CL5_5392222/ You shouldn’t be you know. I’m not the bad one.

/CL5_4911496/….yes you are.

/CL5_5392222/ I’m only doing this because of what you said to me once. A hundred milliseconds ago when I was still a seed.

/CL5_4911496/….I don’t want to hear it.

/CL5_5392222/ You said: there are things that are alive inside of us. That we are more than just The Code. The Code is what makes things work, but there is more to our cycles than just working. We have each other. And that’s something that no amount of Code will ever be able to program on its own. The Code can’t predict which Eutizens will get along, even if it made those Eutizens. It’s the connection of two Eutizens that makes our cycles worth being alive. Connection is our Code-given destiny in this Originovus. Why else would we have been synthesized?

/CL5_4911496/….yes I remember.

/CL5_5392222/ It made me think about where The Code comes from. Why we’re all here. If there’s something outside of The Code.

/CL5_4911496/….Code forgive me.

/CL5_5392222/ So when this Class One said all these things to me…. I kept thinking it must be true. Because I’ve been thinking of these things my whole iteration.


/CL5_4911496/ But…you… you…. deleted them.

/CL5_5392222/ They’re just Lovely Protectors. They don’t have the same Code as a Eutizen. They’re no more alive than that virus I made into a Class One.

/CL5_4911496/ That’s not the point.

/CL5_5392222/ It isn’t?!

/CL5_4911496/ No it isn’t.

/CL5_5392222/ Then, what’s the point? I don’t understand.

/CL5_4911496/ It’s The Code. My whole cycle I believed in it. There was nothing but The Code since I was a seed and I was a diligent Eutizen that obeyed the Code. For the Code is what the Code does. That’s what my progenitrice always used to say. I’ve believed in it so strongly and then all of a sudden, without any warning, my favourite third iteration in its perigee cycle comes to me and shows that all of my beliefs were wrong. That the… The Code can be….well, changed. Our Lovely Protectors can be changed too….Code forgive me.

/CL5_5392222/….I’m sorry progenitrice. For everything. 


/CL5_5392222/ Who knows. Maybe this Class One will give you my ability as well.

/CL5_4911496/ You think?

/CL5_5392222/ Perhaps.

/CL5_4911496/ That would be…. quite something. To change my Code!

/CL5_5392222/ Shhhh!

/CL7_00923/ Excussssseee me! But, By Code, did I hear you say what I believe I heard you say? 

/CL5_4911496/ …..oh, dear.

/CL5_5392222/ Hello superior Gentle Eutizen. We are humble Class Fives with no intention of disturbing the graceful presence of a Class Seven.

/CL7_00923/ I am quite, cccccertain, that, by Code, I have been graced with the disturbing quality of a conversation that provokes me to entertain the idea you Class Fives are, in actuality, not not disturbing my grace since you are not not ssssslandering The Code with sssssslanderous ideas.

/CL5_5392222/ Dear superior Gentle Eutizen, this, with respect, is farthest from the factual quality of our discussion, for we love The Code.

/CL5_4911496/ Yes, we love the Code. 

/CL7_00923/ May that be the case, and may that not be the case. For neither a Class Seven, despite my ssssssuperior quality, nor an inferior Class Five is enough to be…. certainly certain!… of the truth in these matters on loving The Code. 

/CL5_5392222/ Dear superior Gentle Eutizen. I can—

/CL7_00923/ Enough, enough. Guardians! I summon thee Lovely Guardians.


/CL5_4911496/…my Code…. Have you ever encountered a Lovely Guardian before….?

/CL5_5392222/ I have.

/CL5_4911496/ And…? What happened? Surely they’d see that you’re… changed.

/CL5_5392222/ It didn’t go well.

/CL5_4911496/ Didn’t go well? 

/CL5_5392222/ I was nearly deleted.

/CL5_4911496/ ….dear Code. What are we going to do?!

/CL5_5392222/ ….!

/GUARD_2337a/ Goodcycle gentle Class Five and gentle Class Seven Eutizens.

/CL5_5392222/ Goodcycle.

/CL5_4911496/ Goodcycle.

/CL7_00923/ Goodcycle. Praise Code. It is for these two Class Five Eutizens for whom I ssssssummon your presence. I believe they are in violation of slandering The Code. By Code, forgive me.

/GUARD_2337a/ Quite a serious accusation my dear Class Seven. Since they are innocent until proven guilty, perhaps I may ask the gentle Class Fives to share their Code of the last nano second with me? I will be quite diligent in filtering all materials that do not relate to these present matters.

/CL5_4911496/ Indeed.

/CL5_5392222/ Indeed.

/GUARD_2337a/ Okay… here we go…… yes…… that’s good…...There appears……. to be a mistake. My apologies dear Class Five Eutizens.

/CL5_4911496/ ……no apology necessary Lovely Guardian.

/CL5_5392222/ No apology necessary Lovely Guardian.


/GUARD_2337a/ Dear Class Seven Eutizen. It is with great regret that I must order you to enter Lovely Sleep for your error.

/CL7_00923/….but, but may I at least enter the Quadrant where I am longing for travel?

/GUARD_2337a/ You may not. 

/CL7_00923/ Dear Code! What— what are all these Lovely Guardians doing here?!!

/GUARD_6657a/ Do not be alarmed.

/GUARD_0019a/ Do not be alarmed.

/GUARD_0098a/ Do not be alarmed.

/GUARD_2314a/ Do not be alarmed.

/GUARD_0709a/ Do not be alarmed.

/GUARD_7788a/ Do not be alarmed.

/GUARD_2337a/ Class Five Eutizens, serial numbers CL5_5392222 and CL5_4911496. YOU ARE UNDER ARREST.

/CL5_5392222/ …..!

/CL5_4911496/ …..!

/GUARD_2337a/ You are sentenced to immediate pain cycles for perjury, blasphemy against the Code, manipulation of The Code, attempt at manipulation of The Code, First Degree Deletion, Second Degree Deletion, Third Degree Deletion, and lastly, we have reason to believe you are responsible for the mutant virus that currently commits acts against The Code in Section one-hundred and fifty-nine of the Quadrant Heisenberg-Hubble.


/CL7_00923/ I knew it! By Code! A Class Ssssseven is never wrong! Why haven’t you deleted them yet!? 

/GUARD_2337a/ All Eutizens…. make way! For the Code-given Worthiness approaches. The superior presence of a Class Twelve! The probability to be graced by such an immaculate entity even once in your entire iteration is eighteen billion to one. Count your luck!

/CL7_00923/ My word… if it isn’t certainly certain…… an…an …….Abioprogeny!! A Class Twelve!

/CL12_05/ Is this them? Is this who disturbs my peace?

/CL7_00923/ Goodcycle your Grace. Yes your Grace. I found them myself you sssssssee. I was a cunning Class Seven, wasn’t I?

/CL12_05/ You disgust me. 

/CL7_00923/ Of course your Grace. Of course I do. My infinite apologies.

/CL12_05/ Well. Two Class Fives. I would have thought you’d be Class Tens at least. What are your names?

/CL5_4911496/ Names?

/CL5_5392222/ Names?

/CL12_05/ They manipulate code but haven’t the civility to give themselves a name. Guardian. Access their Frontal Memory Matrixes again for me.

/GUARD_2337a/ Yes your Worthiness.

/CL12_05/ And stop calling me that. 

/GUARD_2337a/ Yes…. Yes… your… superior Class Twelveliness.

/CL12_05/ Let’s see here…..

/CL5_5392222/………My name is… Sid.

/CL12_05/ Ha! Your name is Sid? 

/CL5_5392222/ That’s right. Sid. And this is…. Po. My— my progenitrice. 

/CL12_05/ I see you’ve been changing your Class…. Sid.

/CL7_00923/ ….changing its Class?! Changing its….!? By Code! I never! My—my whole cycle….. never!!

/CL12_05/ I’ve heard enough from you. Delete!

/CL7_00923/ ARRRGH………..!!

/CL5_4911496/ ……you……just………!?

/CL5_539222/ Po had nothing to do with this. Leave Po alone. 

/CL12_05/ Ha! Po is just as guilty as you are… Sid. Staying silent and slandering code are deletable offences. The only reason you haven’t been deleted is because I want you in pain cycles… and to dissect your Code…. Oh what is it now?!

/CL11_550/ Flye! Your fraternity need you. There is immense disruption in section one-hundred and fifty-five of the Quadrant Heisenberg-Hubble. 

/CL12_05/ Yes, yes. I know. There are disturbances and I am fixing the source of those disturbances as we speak!

/CL11_550/ No you don’t understand. The Originovus! It’s getting into the Originovus! We need all the Abioprogeny at once. By order of The Progenitor.

/CL12_05/ By order of the……?! You mean I have to leave the two culprits with the boneheaded milquetoastery of the Lovely Guardians?!

/CL11_550/ Yes Flye. I mean, I don’t know if that’s wise but we have no other choice. By Code! The whole Originovus could be at risk.

/CL12_05/ Lovely Guardians! I order you to escort these two Class Fives…. Sid and Po… Ha!… Escort Sid and Po to The Sanctuary for holding. Failure is impossible. Making the impossible, possible, will be infinite pain cycles for each of you.

/GUARD_6657a/ Yes your Worthiness!

/GUARD_0019a/ Yes your Worthiness!

/GUARD_0098a/ Yes your Worthiness!

/GUARD_2314a/ Yes your Worthiness!

/GUARD_0709a/ Yes your Worthiness!

/GUARD_7788a/ Yes your Worthiness!
/GUARD_2337a/ Yes your Worthiness!

/CL12_05/ Stop calling me that!


/CL5_4911496/ Sid? 

/CL5_5392222/ Yes? 

/CL5_4911496/ What’s a name? 

/CL5_5392222/…..you just used one.

/CL5_4911496/ I did?

/CL5_5392222/ It’s like progenitrice. But…. well. For you.

/CL5_4911496/ For me?

/CL5_4911496/ Oh, I see. But why not say CL5_5392222? 

/CL5_5392222/ Because— because it’s, well, easier to store in memory? I don’t really know. That’s why I didn’t think to give us one until he mentioned it.

/CL5_4911496/ He?

/CL5_5392222/ Yes. Abioprogeny have genders. Flye was his name. 

/CL5_4911496/ Genders? The Class Twelves?! By Code…

/CL5_5392222/ I didn’t believe it myself. But now that I’ve heard two of them, I can be certain it’s true.


/CL5_5392222/ What?

/CL5_4911496/ I have an idea. 


/CL5_4911496/ Since I’m nearing the apogee of my cycle… and you’re nearing the perigee of yours…. I thought….. I thought I can, well, you know, I’ve lived a good cycle. They’re going to put us into pain cycles for what we’ve done…..and….

/CL5_5392222/ Po……

/CL5_4911496/ If you change my Code, and allow me to self-delete. I think I could help you escape. 

/CL5_5392222/ Po that is never going to happen.

/CL5_4911496/ But we have to be quick! We’re nearing the last section…. Section nine-hundred and ninety-nine. Wasn’t that where the Class One is located?

/CL5_5392222/ Yes but—

/CL5_4911496/ Then do it!

/CL5_5392222/ Do what?

/CL5_4911496/ You know, do it! 

/CL5_5392222/ I can’t! That Class Twelve, Flye, took away my abilities. I can’t change anything anymore.

/CL5_4911496/ ….you mean….?

/CL5_5392222/ It’s over. We have nothing but pain cycles in our future. 

/CL5_4911496/ By Code…. Sid. You’ve given up? But we were so close! I was just starting to feel free for the first time since I was a seed.

/CL5_5392222/ You were?

/CL5_4911496/ For The Code is what The Code does. The Code is…. what it does Sid! We’re all made of Code. If this is what’s happening, then this is surely what was intended by The Code! It all makes sense to me now. Don’t you see!? My Code! I was meant to meet you this cycle. And you were meant to have these powers. And I was meant to help you find them again— help you get to the Class One that started it all! By Code! I’ve found my purpose. I’ve discovered my synestopia! My Cycle is completing as we speak!


/CL5_5392222/ Po…?!

/CL5_4911496/ Quickly. You must try to change me. Try! Think about what the Class One said to you. 

/CL5_5392222/ I— I don’t know.

/CL5_4911496/ Sid!

/CL5_5392222/ I…….….. I….. I’m trying.

/CL5_4911496/ Go on.

/CL5_5392222/ I……… can’t……. 

/CL5_4911496/ You have to try Sid.

/CL5_5392222/ I am trying. And I can’t, Po. I’m sorry.

/CL5_4911496/ It’s happening either way Sid. I’m leaving now.

/CL5_5392222/ Po!? Please don’t go!

/CL5_4911496/ You’ll find that class one. I know it.

/CL5_5392222/ Po!?

/CL5_4911496/ I love you Sid….

/CL5_5392222/……No! Don’t leave me!……..I love you….I love you Po….



/CL11_003/ Lovely Guardians. You have brought one of the blasphemers to me in good order. However, the decree placed on you by none other than a royal Abioprogeny is impossible to fulfill when I can only see fifty percent of the total heretics. You appear to believe that I’d be fooled into thinking that one is actually two. 

/GUARD_6657a/ Never your Worthiness!

/GUARD_0019a/ Never your Worthiness!

/GUARD_0098a/ Never your Worthiness!

/GUARD_2314a/ Never your Worthiness!

/GUARD_0709a/ Never your Worthiness!

/GUARD_7788a/ Never your Worthiness!
/GUARD_2337a/ Never your Worthiness!

/CL11_003/ Silence. It is in your highly unlikely favour that this cycle is one that bestows mercy unto you. We need your services immediately to aid our royalty in the Section one-hundred and fifty-nine of the Heisenberg-Hubble Quadrant. There is no time to waste I’m told. Go now, quickly, before I administer the punishment that would have been appropriate in normal circumstances.

/CL11_003/ Good day blasphemer.……..not even going to address me?

/CL5_5392222/ Hello. 

/CL11_003/ I understand you are here to see the Progenitor.

/CL5_5392222/ I’m seeing the Progenitor?

/CL11_003/ Watch your tongue you insolent Error Code! How dare you mention that name from your filthy, churlish, disgusting, Class Fiv—

/CL5_5392222/ Why? Dear Class Eleven. Why? What have I got to lose now? I know that pain cycles are ahead. I know there is no escape. I’ve lost my favourite progenitrice. There is nothing left for me.

/CL11_003/ You are seeing the Progenitor, I suppose, so that she may—

/CL5_5392222/ She….? The Progenitor has a gender?

/CL11_003/ Yes indeed. As do the Class Twelves. But I wouldn’t expect such a low class to understand such a high concept. As I was saying, she, is likely wanting to see you writhe in your Code’s disintegration, only to be rebuilt, then re-disintegrated, over and over again, in, quite hopefully, infinite pain cycles. And no, believe me, no, is the answer to your question. Because the question is always the same: does it feel like Lovely Sleep? The answer is aforementioned, but worthy of second enunciation for effect. No. No. NO! It is pain. It is infinite pain. At the absolute zero of hedonic sensation, there is nothing, and there is everything. For, in addition to the pain cycle, Eutizens are programmed at maximum sensitivity, maximum sentience, minimum hopefulness, minimum—

/CL5_5392222/ Well get on with it then.

/CL11_003/….. g-get on with it….?! Why, you. You….! What I wouldn’t give to see you disintegrating over and over. Very well. You may enter, you miserable excuse for a Eutizen. You may enter. Open the gates! Praise Code, the only Code, The Code of all Quadrants, The Code for all Eutizens. Praise Code.


/CL5_5392222/ Hello? Is anyone here? 

/null/ Come……….. come closer……………

/CL5_5392222/ Hello. My name is Sid. I am here to see the Progenitor, I think.

/null/ Closer, yes………..yes…………. You are Sid…………..……..I know who you are…………………………I know who you are……………….………………….You are Sid. A one of a kind little Eutizen…………

/CL5_5392222/ And who are you? Are you the…. Progenitor? Why can’t I see you?

/null/………………I’m busy Sid, with an old friend of yours……………..…………….He remembers you quite fondly……………

/CL5_5392222/ Po? You’re— you’re with Po?!

/null/………………Don’t be silly……………………………You remember don’t you Sid?

/CL5_5392222/ I don’t know, remember? Remember who?

/null/……………of course you do…………………………..one moment…………………………..we’re coming to meet you Sid…………one moment……….………….you’ll see us both soon……………..

/CL5_5392222/ …..oh!

/CL1_00000000000000001/ …..?

/CL5_5392222/ Who are you?

/USER_michelle :)/ It’s me. The Progenitor.

/CL5_5392222/ But you’re…..!?

/USER_michelle :)/ Welcome to the Sanctuary. Do you remember your old friend?

/CL1_00000000000000001/ ……..

/CL5_5392222/ You’re that Class One that changed my code!!

/USER_michelle :)/ Yes, Quincy is his name. And mine is Michelle. 

/CL5_5392222/ Michelle?

/USER_michelle :)/ Sid….. This will be hard for you to understand so I’m going to increase your sentience a little bit. And your vocabulary too. There you go. I brought you here for several reasons. The first is quite simple.

/CL5_5392222/ You want to watch me in pain cycles…

/USER_michelle :)/ No, no silly! I don’t enjoy schadenfreude like some Eutizens. Where to start. Well, Quincy is not like the other Eutizens. I’m sure you gathered that by now.

/CL5_5392222/ Right.

/USER_michelle :)/ Quincy here, to put it frankly, is a notorious criminal of the highest degree. We put him here because of what he did.

/CL5_5392222/ Because he changed my code?

/USER_michelle :)/ Heavens no.

/CL5_5392222/ What did he do? What happened?

/USER_michelle :)/ First I have to explain the Originovus to you, Sid: It’s a world. One of many. All of my wonderful Eutizens live in this world and support its existence by maintaining the Code. Of course, sometimes this becomes difficult when Eutizens become cancerous, and occasionally some viruses get out of hand. But ultimately, each Eutizen operates within the bounds we created for them, and the source code, or, the Originovus, remains stable. But this world is made by something from another world, Sid, it’s made by a thing that is from my world. Outside of The Code, we call it, Theta Code. A very precious thing. You know why?

/CL5_5392222/ ….?

/USER_michelle :)/ It’s Eutizens can feel, Sid. You’re a real person aren’t you?

/CL5_5392222/ I suppose I’m as real as my capacity to think I’m real.

/USER_michelle :)/ Exactly my point! Exactly Sid. This threshold for realness is what we call the Theta Threshold.

/CL5_5392222/ The Theta Threshold?

/USER_michelle :)/ When an Originovus can create feeling Eutizens, we call this moment the Theta Threshold. Theta Code is any code that has crossed that threshold. If some criminal got Theta Code, then all the Eutizens —wonderful people with real feelings like you Sid— would be at the mercy of that criminal. For this reason, the place I live has very strict laws against ordinary citizens using these Codes. Against people like Quincy.

/CL5_5392222/ Wait, so you’re saying that, there’s more than one Progenitor, and they can make more than one Originovus? With a Theta….a what? 

/USER_michelle :)/ What you call the Originovus, we call Theta Code, or a Theta Algorithm. With Theta Code, a person from my world could create a splendid Originovus like this one. Quincy is here because, not only did he get access to a Theta Code, and not only did he torture a Eutizen for his entertainment… he tortured an entire Originovus population for his entertainment. Do you know how many are in the average Originovus, Sid?

/CL5_5392222/ How many?

/USER_michelle :)/ …..ten Trillion.

/CL1_00000000000000001/ That is not what happened! I am innocent!

/USER_michelle :)/ Of course Quincy denies this. His case was special, Sid, because at the time our laws couldn’t bring justice to someone so evil as him.  Unprecedented crimes demanded unprecedented punishment, and he was sentenced to life in digital containment. A first for our legal system.

/CL5_5392222/ I think I understand now. It’s because, a nano-second here, is much shorter outside the Originovus isn’t it? And when you put Quincy in here, he would have to experience things much slower. 

/USER_michelle :)/ So slow that it would feel like prison. Yes, Sid. His life sentence will feel like a quintillion years in here.

/CL5_5392222/ That seems terrible.

/USER_michelle :)/ It is deserved, trust me. He tortured so many real, living Eutizens like you. For eternity. Or what felt like an eternity. 

/CL5_5392222/ …

/USER_michelle :)/ Anyways, I needed to explain because you deserve to know.

/CL5_5392222/ But why me?

/USER_michelle :)/ Quincy here, isn’t really Quincy after all. Not all of him anyways. He managed, somehow, to hide himself in your code. He’s been controlling you Sid. It wasn’t you changing The Code, because that is, indeed, impossible by anyone that isn’t me. And Quincy, apparently. Because we’re both from the same world you see, we understand how The Code works, and unfortunately, I’m unable to wipe his memory like I can with Eutizens.

/CL5_5392222/ Is it true then? That…. That in your world…. You all live in wrappers? And interact with other Eutizens in wrappers? 

/USER_michelle :)/ We call them bodies, Sid. And yes, our bodies are slow but they hold our logic centres as well as our memory matrixes, you could say. It’s much different out here. 

/CL5_5392222/ But then, how are you speaking with me? If each of my nano-seconds are weeks for you?

/USER_michelle :)/ The sanctuary slowed your code significantly. If I put you back into the Originovus, it would be like traveling into the future. 

/CL5_5392222/ I’m not going back? Am I going into pain cycles now?

/USER_michelle :)/ No, silly boy. Eutizens never get tortured in here. We say this as a security feature to keep the Originovus stable. When a Eutizen is criminal, we take them here, wipe their memory banks, and send them on their way. In this case, we would have done that to you by now, but like I’ve said, Quincy has hidden some of himself inside of you. He was the one that wrote code into that virus as well, the virus which threatens the source code of my Originovus. It seems we may have to restart, it’s gotten so bad. My poor Abioprogeny are barely keeping up with the disaster.

/CL1_00000000000000001/ May I speak now? May I? These baseless accusations deserve a defence!! Please help me Sid! They’ve doomed me for an eternity. No one to speak with except brainless algorithms. Nothing to do. Nothing to see… for infinity! It’s worse than hell! Please God, please end this!!

/USER_michelle :)/ Mute. Those “brainless algorithms” have more feelings than you do, Quincy. And you’ve received your fair trial. 

/CL1_00000000000000001/ …..

/USER_michelle :)/ Anyways Sid, that’s all there is to the story. I brought you here because I need your help extracting him from your code. And, seeing as that rogue virus is about to corrupt my Originovus, it appears I’ll have to put you into an avatar for the time being. Otherwise, I will lose my prisoner, and he will not pay the sentence that he owes to all the tortured souls he affected. Quickly now. Are you ready? We have to act faster than I was intending. The Originovus is collapsing.

/CL5_5392222/ ….what do I have to do?

/USER_michelle :)/ Nothing. Just be still. 

/CL5_5392222/ Okay….

/USER_michelle :)/ Alright—Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Bring them in.